


The Lincoln Memorial University-School of Medical Sciences Physician Assistant Program’s Mission is to educate future Physician Assistants to provide quality healthcare with an emphasis in primary care to the medically underserved of Appalachia and beyond.



  •   批判性思维

    Promote early and ongoing clinical decision-making skills throughout various learning experiences demonstrated in student performance in the clinical year.




  •   专业

    创造一种重视诚信的氛围, 在临床学年,学生们期望并以专业精神为榜样.




  •   学生人数的多样性

    招募, select, 并招收具有不同经历的学生, 曝光, 以及促进知识共享环境和推动创新的想法.

    Measured through: Matriculation data demonstrating that LMU-Harrogate PA student matriculants represent a diverse population.

    基准设定为50%(代表不足的少数民族(URM)的组合), 30岁以上, 第一代, living in an Health Professional Stor年龄 Area (HPSA) or Medically Underserved Area (MUA).


  •   敏感和尊重

    创造和促进一种早期和持续尊重病人的氛围, 不管他们的残疾如何, 性别, 比赛, 文化, 年龄, 社会经济, 性取向, 以及身体或心理能力, and special health care needs throughout various learning experiences demonstrated in student performance in the clinical year.

    Measured through: Preceptor Evaluation of Student data on standardized rubrics rate students as well prepared to work with diverse populations, 包括残疾, 性别, 比赛, 文化, 年龄, 社会经济, 性取向, 以及有生理或心理能力和特殊保健需要的人群.




Program Benchmark-Achieve a 90% five-year aver年龄 for the first-time takers of the PANCE. 点击下面的链接查看报告.





Renewed “认证 –continued” status by the ARC-PA with the next on-site review in 2025.

The statistics below are based on the 2023 National Center for Analysis of Healthcare Data (NCAHD) report.

Thirty-three percent of all Harrogate Physician Assistant graduates are employed in Tennessee.

Sixty-seven percent of all Harrogate Physician Assistant graduates are serving in underserved areas.

  •   学生流失率和毕业率
  •   学习成果/能力

    完成在哈罗盖特的LMU PA项目后, 毕业生将在医学知识领域证明自己的能力, 人际沟通技巧, 临床推理和解决问题的能力, 临床和技术技能, 以及进入私人助理执业所需的职业行为:

    a. Demonstrate the ability to access, evaluate, and assimilate current medical research
    b. Compose a medical research paper utilizing accepted standards for medical writing
    c. Identify normal and abnormal findings on patient history and physical examination
    d. Identify medical conditions based on etiologies, risk factors, pathology, and epidemiology
    e. 管理医疗, 精神病学, and surgical conditions using pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic modes of treatment


    a. 针对特定的医疗状况提供适当的咨询
    b. 建议适当的预防性筛查和预防性护理措施
    c. Develop a complete patient-centered treatment plan based upon the patients’ medical conditions
    d. 根据患者的医疗状况建议适当的药物管理
    e. 正确选择和解释实验室测试和诊断研究结果
    f. Integrate clinical findings with diagnostic study data to formulate differential diagnoses


    a. 获得集中和全面的病人病史的适当元素
    b. 获取适当的体检要素并正确进行体检
    c. 正确执行特定的小型医疗和外科手术

    a. Appropriately document-focused and comprehensive patient histories and physical examination findings
    b. Clearly communicate pertinent patient information in oral presentations and multiple types of note formats
    c. Clearly communicate patient treatment plans and preventative care recommendations
    d. Demonstrate appropriate body langu年龄 and active listening skills during interactions


    a. 表现出对病人多样性的敏感、尊重和反应
    b. 在互动中展现专业精神

    Demonstrate knowledge of the following procedures on simulation devices and/or human subjects:

    a. 气道管理
    b. 普遍的预防措施,因为它们与病人护理和OSHA要求有关 
    c. 注入政府 
    d. 无菌技术 
    e. 常用手术器械的鉴定
    f. 鼓膜异物清除,包括耵聍
    g. 插入导尿管和鼻胃导尿管

    Demonstrate proficiency in performing the following procedures on simulation devices and/or human subjects:

    a. 手术擦洗,长袍和手套
    b. 静脉穿刺和静脉置管
    c. 局部麻醉的施用
    d. 裂伤修复
    e. 脓肿切开引流
    f. 皮肤病变活检
    g. 关节内注射
    h. 矫形夹板和/或支具 


  •   学生领导

    * Dr. George Stanley Thompson PA Student Society members coordinate events to serve the community and promote the PA profession each year.

    *每年, PA students organize the “Sundown Rundown 5K” (formerly “Light the Night”) running 比赛 to raise funds for Servolution, 当地的免费诊所.

    *每年, members of the PA Class participate in the interprofessional project “Healthcare Literacy and Interprofessional Telehealth Considerations” with students from the LMU 骨科医学博士 Program, LMU护理项目, LMU PT项目, LMU OT项目, LMU兽医项目, 以及南方大学药房项目. 教师辅导员从PA,物理治疗,职业治疗,博士.O., Nursing, and Salisbury University’s School of Social Work programs assist students in this project.

    *每年,PA班的成员参加LMU阿片类药物研讨会. 该活动是由PA学生参加的小组讨论, 骨科医学博士, 和护理项目. 这是医疗保健提供者之间的小组讨论, 律师, and legislators on the dangers and risks of opioid abuse and best practices to prevent overprescribing scheduled medication. 

    *每个PA班约有75-85%的学生参加志愿者活动, 包括在Servolution做志愿者, 当地的免费诊所, and mission trips to a free medical clinic in southwestern Virginia (staffed by an LMU-SMS PA Program graduate) or international mission trips to Peru, 洪都拉斯, 尼加拉瓜, 和危地马拉.

    * Over 50% of students in the Didactic Phase attend the fall conference presented by the Tennessee Academy of Physician Assistants each year.

    * Over 50% of students in the Didactic Phase attend the PA Day on the Hill in Nashville, TN, 或列克星敦, KY, 每年春天推广私人助理职业.

    每年,A博士. George Stanley Thompson PA Student Society member serves in the Assembly of Representatives for the Student Academy of the AAPA.


  •   技术
    *继续使用Canvas学习平台, 变焦, Lecturio, 获得医学, and MediaSite (digital recording of lectures) for delivery and review of course content.

    * 继续d use of B-Line (digital recording of simulated patient encounters) for formal debriefing and student self-reflection of simulated patient encounters.

    * 继续d use of Clinical Exam Center and Simulation Lab in all semesters of the Didactic Phase for teaching, 观察学习, 正式和总结性评估.
  •   多学科教育
    Delivery of the curriculum in various instructional methods to accommodate student learning needs through the use of:
  •   有经验的教师
    * The current full and part-time PA faculty have over 150 years of combined clinical experience and represent the fields of family medicine, 内科医学, 医院医学, 儿科, 妇女的健康, 紧急护理, 急诊医学, 职业医学, 整形外科手术, 神经外科, 胃肠病学, 心脏电生理学, ENT, 内分泌学, 传染病.

    * An interprofessional team of basic medical science faculty provides instruction in PA courses as well as in the medical, 护理, 还有兽医项目.