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Current Students

Welcome Current and Prospective Students


Student Services

  •   Academic Support Services

    Faculty Mentoring

    每个即将入学的LMU-SMS PA学生将被分配一名教学阶段的教师导师和一名临床阶段的教师导师. 这些导师是LMU-SMS PA计划期间的主要支持和主要联系人.

    Faculty mentors will
    •帮助学生理解LMU-SMS PA项目的政策和实践
    •回答有关课程要求和期望的问题或担忧, performance criteria, academic standing, and professionalism
    •对学生在课程要求方面的进展提供反馈, faculty expectations, graduate competencies, and program goals
    •指导学生完成Capstone作品集和类似项目, 每个即将入学的LMU-SMS PA学生都会被分配一名来自前一年入学班级的学生导师. 这些学生导师帮助学生从LMU-SMS PA学生的角度浏览该计划.


    Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence



    Accessible Educational Services

    无障碍教育服务办公室与项目教师合作,为学习和评估活动提供便利. 学生有责任要求服务,强烈鼓励学生在入学前和可能符合住宿条件的情况出现后尽快联系无障碍教育服务办公室. Contact the office at

    For more information, please refer to the SMS PA Harrogate Catalog


    Career Services



    PA Job Bank

    LMU校友服务办公室为毕业生维护一个在线PA就业银行. Visit
    PA Job Bank ( to see the positions advertised to LMU-SMS graduates.


  •   Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    The School of Medical Sciences (SMS) Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) provides events, information, and resources to support students, faculty, and staff in exploring, embracing, and sharing their diverse identities and experiences. Students are notified of events via LMU-issued email accounts. 请访问SMS或PA哈罗盖特DEI网页了解更多信息.

    School of Medical Sciences DEI

    Harrogate PA Program DEI


  •   Health Services

    Medical Services

    Program faculty, the Program Director, 和医务主任不得作为注册学生的医疗保健提供者参加. 学生必须根据他们的私人健康保险计划获得非紧急医疗护理. 

    所有在LMU注册的学生都有资格使用LMU学生健康中心(SHC)提供的医疗服务。. SHC位于学生中心3楼315套房. Students are seen on a walk-in basis; no appointments are scheduled. Staff includes a licensed practical nurse (LPN), 家庭执业护士(FNP)和骨科医生. There is no fee for students to visit with any acute concerns. 诊所提供有限的测试,必要时可以派出实验室. Students will not be charged for office visits. 如果实验室工作被认为是必要的,学生负责支付所有相关的实验室费用. 保险信息将在访问时获取并提交给实验室, 但学生将负责支付保险未涵盖的任何费用. 舍客会职员不会向任何第三方供应商或保险公司收取款项或提交帐单. 诊所的营业时间为星期一至星期五上午8点至下午4点,中午12点至1点除外. Call 423-869-6249 for any questions.

    For more information, visit or the LMU-SMS-student catalog.


    Mental Health Services

    个人保密咨询,帮助学生解决个人问题, career, 学生可以通过心理健康咨询办公室免费获得影响学业成功和生活质量的学术问题. 欲了解更多信息或预约,请访问: 根据学生的要求,可以转介到当地的咨询和援助资源. For
    emergency services, 学生可以联系切罗基卫生系统,全天24小时全面和保密的援助,电话423-626-8271(新Tazewell).

  •   PA Mentorship Program

     LMU短信校友服务办公室提供了一个指导计划,以帮助当前LMU-SMS PA学生建立网络. LMU-SMS医师助理导师计划的使命是为希望与PA专业人士建立联系的LMU-SMS PA学生提供医师助理校友导师,以了解更多澳门威尼斯人赌城工作机会和专业选择的信息. LMU-SMS医师助理指导计划为当前的PA学生提供了与具有相似兴趣的校友PA通信的机会,以便他们可以在学生开始求职时提供支持和指导. Visit the PA Mentorship Program ( and click “Request a Mentor” to request a mentor.

Contact Information

  •   PA Harrogate Program Admissions Office

    Ph. 800.325.0900, ext. 6691 (toll-free)
    Ph. 423.869.6691 (direct)


  •   PA Harrogate Program Mailing Address

    Lincoln Memorial University, School of Medical Sciences
    Harrogate Physician Assistant Program
    6965 Cumberland Gap Parkway
    Harrogate, TN 37752


  •   LMU Registrar's Office

    DAR-Whitford Hall
    Monday - Friday from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
    Telephone: 423.869.6313
    Fax: 423.869.6387

  •   LMU Student Financial Services Office

    DAR-Whitford Hall