

Knoxville Physician Assistant Program

这个项目是全日制的, 关闭, 27-month cohort curriculum leading to a Master of Medical Science (MMS) in Physician Assistant Studies. Part-time enrollment is not offered. 这个115学分的强化课程为初级保健医学提供了坚实的基础,并包括外科科学的扩展培训. The first four (4) semesters are completed in the classroom (Didactic Phase), and the final three (3) semesters are completed at the clinical sites of the program’s clinical affiliates (Clinical Phase). The Didactic Phase curriculum includes a blend of learning activities, 包括讲座, 实验室会议, 模拟病人接触, 小组讨论. 临床医学原理课程所涵盖的主题与临床导向解剖学和解剖以及患者评估和临床技能课程所涵盖的主题排序.

The program also places an emphasis on concepts critical for safe and effective care of patients in surgical and acute care settings. The includes instruction in pre-operative assessment, physiologic changes that occur during surgery, documentation of surgical procedures, and identification and management of post-operative complications. During Supervised Clinical Practices (SPCEs) in 临床阶段, students apply concepts learned in the Didactic Phase to novel patient encounters in primary care and surgical settings. The program offers three (3) selective SCPEs that may be completed in surgical or medicine disciplines offered by the program. 学生必须成功完成课程的教学和临床阶段的所有组成部分,才有资格参加总结性评估. Students must pass all components of the 总结性评价, including achievement of the program’s graduate competencies, to be eligible for graduation.


  •   学术申诉政策

    If a student has an academic grievance about a course, the student is required to first discuss the matter with the course director for that course. If the academic grievance is unresolved after meeting with the course director, 然后,学生可以与教学教育主任(教学阶段)或临床教育主任(临床阶段)讨论此事。. If the academic grievance remains unresolved, the student may then discuss the matter with the Program Director for final resolution.

  •   发展的标准

    Students must complete all components of the program’s curriculum within 54 months of initial matriculation. This includes time for remediation and leaves of absence. 学生在课程的每个阶段必须满足的学术和非学术要求才有资格毕业,如下所列. 

    Students must meet all Didactic Phase requirements listed below to be eligible to progress to 临床阶段.

    1. 始终如一地遵守所有LMU和项目的政策和程序(包括维护LMU- sms - knoxville PA项目学生手册中的最低入学和进展技术标准).
    2. Demonstrate no professional conduct deficits or successful remediation of professional conduct deficits.
    3. Demonstrate successful achievement of Didactic Phase Learning 结果:
      1. Pass all Didactic Phase courses,
      2. Pass each of the components of the Didactic Phase Cumulative Assessment listed below,
        1. Written multiple-choice examination,
        2. Simulated patient encounter (OSCE),
        3. Physical examination 技能 assessment,
        4. Clinical procedure 技能 assessment and
      3. Pass all remediation assessments/assignments.

    Students on Academic and/or Professional Probation may be delayed in beginning SCPEs. 学生进步委员会(SPC)有权取消学生的学术和/或专业见习,以便学生可以在课程中取得进展.

    Students must meet all Clinical Phase requirements listed below to be eligible to progress to the 总结性评价.

    1. 始终如一地遵守所有LMU和项目的政策和程序(包括维护LMU- sms - knoxville PA项目学生手册中的最低入学和进展技术标准).
    2. Demonstrate no professional conduct deficits or successful remediation of professional conduct deficits.
    3. Demonstrate successful achievement of Clinical Phase Learning 结果:
      1. Pass all Clinical Phase courses and
      2. Pass all remediation assessments/assignments.

    Students on Academic and/or Professional Probation are not allowed to progress to the 总结性评价. SPC有权将学生从学术和/或专业试用期中移除,以便学生可以进入总结性评估. 


    1. 遵守所有LMU和项目的政策和程序(包括维护LMU- sms - knoxville PA项目学生手册中的最低入学和进展技术标准).
    2. Demonstrate no professional conduct deficits or successful remediation of professional conduct deficits.
    3. Demonstrate successful achievement of the program’s graduate competencies:
      1. Pass each of the following components of the 总结性评价:
        1. Written multiple-choice examination,
        2. Simulated patient encounter (OSCE),
        3. Physical examination 技能 assessment,
        4. Clinical procedure 技能 assessment and
      2. Pass all remediation assessments/assignments. Students have one opportunity to remediate any failed component of the 总结性评价.
    4. Students who fail any component of the 总结性评价 may be delayed in graduation.
    5. 任何未能完成总结性评估任何部分的学生将被提交给SPC进行进度和/或纪律处分建议,其中可能包括开除课程.

    Students on Academic and/or Professional Probation are not allowed to progress to Graduation. SPC有权将学生从学术和/或专业试用期中移除,以便学生可以继续毕业.
    每学期结束的时候, 如果需要的话, SPC召开会议审查学生的表现(学术和非学术),并批准学生在项目中的进展或提出替代建议. Students must meet all requirements for completion of the Didactic Phase, 临床阶段, and the 总结性评价 for successful completion of the program. 学生必须成功完成课程,并证明履行了对LMU的所有财务义务,才有资格毕业.


  •   Accessible Education Services (formerly Disability Services)

    无障碍教育服务办公室与项目教师合作,为学习和评估活动提供便利. Students must request and be approved for assessment (testing) accommodations prior to the start of each semester. Assessment accommodations are not automatically renewed. 只有当残疾在学期开始后首次出现时,才会在学期开始后考虑住宿请求, but in any event no fewer than fourteen (14) days preceding the requested effective date of the accommodation. The program’s Minimum Technical Standards for Enrollment and Progression, found in the LMU-SMS-Knoxville PA Program Student Handbook, 必须确保课程的所有部分都传授给所有学生,确保学生提供安全有效的病人护理. 因此, extra time is not granted to students during assessments of physical examination and clinical procedure 技能, 模拟病人接触, and completion of patient care activities during SCPEs. 类似的, the use of trained intermediaries is not approved in the assessments listed above and SCPEs. 学生有责任要求服务,强烈鼓励学生在入学前和可能符合住宿条件的情况出现后尽快联系无障碍教育服务办公室.http://hdu.cookbookss.com/student-life/accessible-education-services/index


    澳门威尼斯人赌城第九条以及怀孕和育儿学生资源的信息可以在LMU网站的“平等机会/第九条”下找到。. 第九条 & Institutional Compliance (cookbookss.com) 

  •   先修课程政策

    该计划不提供基于先前学术或专业经验的课程中包含的必修课程(全部或部分)的豁免. Transfer academic credits are not accepted. All students must complete all components of the curriculum in whole to be eligible for graduation.

  •   课程描述
    LMU-Knoxville PA计划 课程描述.
  •   课程
    LMU-Knoxville PA计划 课程计划.
  •   修复 Policies and Procedures

    The program monitors and documents the progress of each student in a manner that promptly identifies deficits in knowledge, 技能, and professional conduct and establishes means for remediation. 一些作业和评估是为了学生自我评估和项目教师衡量学生的学习成果和研究生能力的发展. 修复 is not required for these assessments.  Assignments and assessments for which remediation is required are specified in each course syllabus. 除了, students are required to complete remediation for any failed component of the Didactic Phase Cumulative Assessment, Clinical Phase Cumulative Assessment, 总结性评价.


    Students who earn a grade of 70.00 – 75.00% on specific assessments identified in course syllabi are considered at-risk for failure of a course, other components of the program’s curriculum, 和pce. 因此, students who earn a grade of 70.00 – 75.00% on a graded assessment/assignment for which remediation is required are mentored by program faculty. Students are not placed on Academic Probation, no assessment of at-risk support is required, and there is no change in the initial grade earned.


    Students who earn a grade of < 70.00%, fail a “pass/fail” assessment, a score of < 3.0 (on a 5-point Likert scale) on any evaluation item in the clinical preceptor evaluation of student performance, 或存在被认为对患者安全有不利影响的知识和/或技能缺陷,无论在需要补救的分级评估/作业中获得的等级如何, are mentored by program faculty. Assessment of remediation of the knowledge/skill deficit(s) occurs near the end of the semester in the Didactic Phase. The timing of remediation assessment during 临床阶段 is determined by the Clinical Team. All remediation assessments follow the same format as the assessment that identified the deficit(s). 对不合格的临床导师学生表现评估的补救可能包括成功完成同一学科的另一个SCPE.

    Students who earn a grade of < 70.需要进行补救的评分评估/作业的100%被置于学术试用期,其进展由SPC监控. 学生可以完成一(1)项需要补习的不及格评核/作业的补习评估/作业. 修复 of a failed remediation assessment/assignment is not permitted. Students must successfully complete all required remediation assessments/assignments to be eligible for progression in the curriculum. Successful remediation is defined as earning a grade of > 75.00% on the remediation assessment/assignment. The initial grade earned is changed to 70.00% following successful remediation. Failure of remediation is defined as earning a grade of < 75.00% on the remediation assessment/assignment. The initial grade earned is unchanged following failure of remediation. Completion of remediation assessments/assignments may result in a delay in beginning SCPEs, a delay in graduation and/or failure to complete the program curriculum within 54 months of initial matriculation.

    The number of remediation assessments/assignments for academic deficits allowed by the program are as follows:

    1.  说教的阶段:
      1. No more than three (3) total remediation assessments/assignments are permitted for each semester in the Didactic Phase.
      2. 修复 of a failed remediation assessment/assignment is not permitted.
    2. Didactic Phase Cumulative Assessment
      1. No more than one (1) remediation assessment/assignment is permitted for each component of the Didactic Phase Cumulative Assessment.
      2. 修复 of a failed remediation assessment/assignment is not permitted.
    3. 临床阶段:
      1. No more than two (2) total remediation assessments/assignments are permitted for End-of-Rotation written multiple-choice examinations.
      2. No more than one (1) remediation assessment/assignment is permitted for a final score of less than 70.00% on the Clinical Preceptor Evaluation of Student Performance.
      3. There is no limit for the number of remediation assessments/assignments for a score of < 3.0 on individual evaluation items on the Clinical Preceptor Evaluation of Student Performance.
      4. 修复 of a failed remediation assessment/assignment is not permitted.
    4. Clinical Phase Cumulative Assessment
      1. No more than one (1) remediation assessment/assignment is permitted for the written multiple-choice examination component.
      2. 修复 of a failed remediation assessment/assignment is not permitted.
    5. 总结性评价
      1. No more than one (1) remediation assessment/assignment is permitted for each component of the 总结性评价.
      2. 未能通过补习评估/总结性评估任何部分作业的学生将被提交给SPC,以获得进度建议, which may include dismissal from the program.
    超过该计划允许的补救评估/作业总数的学生将立即提交给SPC,以获得进度建议, which may include dismissal from the program.

    Students may not appeal the decision by program faculty for the student to complete remediation activities. Students who do not successfully complete remediation assessments/assignments are referred to the SPC for recommendation on progression, which may include dismissal from the program. 



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